Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
40.56 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
7.17 ms (17.69%) |
1 |
SELECT n0.path AS n0_path, n0.identifier AS n0_identifier, n0.props AS n0_props FROM phpcr_nodes n0 WHERE n0.workspace_name = ? AND n0.type IN ('nt:unstructured', 'rep:root') AND ((EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, 'count(//sv:property[@sv:name="jcr:mixinTypes"]/sv:value[text()="sulu:page"]) > 0') OR EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, 'count(//sv:property[@sv:name="jcr:mixinTypes"]/sv:value[text()="sulu:home"]) > 0')) AND (((0 != FIND_IN_SET('2', REPLACE(EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="i18n:nl-state"]/sv:value'), ' ', ',')) OR EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="i18n:nl-shadow-on"]/sv:value[1]') = '1') AND EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, 'count(//sv:property[@sv:name="i18n:nl-navContexts"]/sv:value[text()="main"]) > 0')) AND n0.path LIKE '/cmf/cirykpopeye/contents/%')) ORDER BY CAST(EXTRACTVALUE(n0.numerical_props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="sulu:order"]/sv:value[1]') AS DECIMAL) ASC, EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="sulu:order"]/sv:value[1]') ASC
6.61 ms (16.30%) |
3 |
SELECT phpcr_type_nodes.name AS node_name, phpcr_type_nodes.is_abstract AS node_abstract, phpcr_type_nodes.is_mixin AS node_mixin, phpcr_type_nodes.queryable AS node_queryable, phpcr_type_nodes.orderable_child_nodes AS node_has_orderable_child_nodes, phpcr_type_nodes.primary_item AS node_primary_item_name, phpcr_type_nodes.supertypes AS declared_super_type_names, phpcr_type_props.name AS property_name, phpcr_type_props.auto_created AS property_auto_created, phpcr_type_props.mandatory AS property_mandatory, phpcr_type_props.protected AS property_protected, phpcr_type_props.on_parent_version AS property_on_parent_version, phpcr_type_props.required_type AS property_required_type, phpcr_type_props.multiple AS property_multiple, phpcr_type_props.fulltext_searchable AS property_fulltext_searchable, phpcr_type_props.query_orderable AS property_query_orderable, phpcr_type_props.default_value AS property_default_value, phpcr_type_childs.name AS child_name, phpcr_type_childs.auto_created AS child_auto_created, phpcr_type_childs.mandatory AS child_mandatory, phpcr_type_childs.protected AS child_protected, phpcr_type_childs.on_parent_version AS child_on_parent_version, phpcr_type_childs.default_type AS child_default_type, phpcr_type_childs.primary_types AS child_primary_types FROM phpcr_type_nodes LEFT JOIN phpcr_type_props ON phpcr_type_nodes.node_type_id = phpcr_type_props.node_type_id LEFT JOIN phpcr_type_childs ON phpcr_type_nodes.node_type_id = phpcr_type_childs.node_type_id
[] |
5.92 ms (14.60%) |
2 |
SELECT f0_.defaultLocale AS defaultLocale_0, f0_.id AS id_1, f1_.title AS title_2, f1_.subject AS subject_3, f1_.fromEmail AS fromEmail_4, f1_.fromName AS fromName_5, f1_.toEmail AS toEmail_6, f1_.toName AS toName_7, f1_.mailText AS mailText_8, f1_.submitLabel AS submitLabel_9, f1_.successText AS successText_10, f1_.sendAttachments AS sendAttachments_11, f1_.deactivateAttachmentSave AS deactivateAttachmentSave_12, f1_.deactivateNotifyMails AS deactivateNotifyMails_13, f1_.deactivateCustomerMails AS deactivateCustomerMails_14, f1_.replyTo AS replyTo_15, f1_.locale AS locale_16, f1_.id AS id_17, f1_.created AS created_18, f1_.changed AS changed_19, f2_.keyName AS keyName_20, f2_.orderNumber AS orderNumber_21, f2_.type AS type_22, f2_.width AS width_23, f2_.required AS required_24, f2_.defaultLocale AS defaultLocale_25, f2_.id AS id_26, f3_.title AS title_27, f3_.placeholder AS placeholder_28, f3_.defaultValue AS defaultValue_29, f3_.shortTitle AS shortTitle_30, f3_.locale AS locale_31, f3_.options AS options_32, f3_.id AS id_33, f4_.type AS type_34, f4_.email AS email_35, f4_.name AS name_36, f4_.id AS id_37, f1_.idForms AS idForms_38, f1_.idUsersCreator AS idUsersCreator_39, f1_.idUsersChanger AS idUsersChanger_40, f2_.idForms AS idForms_41, f3_.idFormFields AS idFormFields_42, f4_.idFormTranslations AS idFormTranslations_43 FROM fo_forms f0_ LEFT JOIN fo_form_translations f1_ ON f0_.id = f1_.idForms LEFT JOIN fo_form_fields f2_ ON f0_.id = f2_.idForms LEFT JOIN fo_form_field_translations f3_ ON f2_.id = f3_.idFormFields LEFT JOIN fo_form_translation_receivers f4_ ON f1_.id = f4_.idFormTranslations WHERE f0_.id = ? ORDER BY f2_.orderNumber ASC
3.06 ms (7.55%) |
3 |
SELECT path, parent FROM phpcr_nodes WHERE parent IN (?) AND workspace_name = ? ORDER BY sort_order ASC
[ "/cmf/cirykpopeye/routes/nl/contact" "default_live" ] |
2.99 ms (7.38%) |
3 |
[] |
2.71 ms (6.67%) |
2 |
SELECT * FROM phpcr_nodes WHERE path = ? AND workspace_name = ? ORDER BY depth, sort_order ASC
[ "/cmf/cirykpopeye/routes/nl/contact" "default_live" ] |
2.51 ms (6.20%) |
1 |
SELECT w0_.title AS title_0, w0_.webspace_key AS webspace_key_1, w0_.all_domains AS all_domains_2, w0_.content AS content_3, w0_.type AS type_4, w0_.id AS id_5, w1_.url AS url_6, w1_.environment AS environment_7, w1_.id AS id_8 FROM we_analytics w0_ LEFT JOIN we_analytics_domains w2_ ON w0_.id = w2_.analytics LEFT JOIN we_domains w1_ ON w1_.id = w2_.domain WHERE (w0_.all_domains = 1 OR (w1_.url = ? AND w1_.environment = ?)) AND w0_.webspace_key = ? ORDER BY w0_.id ASC
[ "cirykpopeye.be" "dev" "cirykpopeye" ] |
1.84 ms (4.53%) |
1 |
SELECT n0.path AS n0_path, n0.identifier AS n0_identifier, n0.props AS n0_props FROM phpcr_nodes n0 WHERE n0.workspace_name = ? AND n0.type IN ('nt:unstructured', 'rep:root') AND (n0.identifier = '02e7fd67-d99e-4ad2-ade8-4bf25b93b94d' AND 0 != FIND_IN_SET('2', REPLACE(EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="i18n:nl-state"]/sv:value'), ' ', ','))) ORDER BY CAST(EXTRACTVALUE(n0.numerical_props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="sulu:order"]/sv:value[1]') AS DECIMAL) ASC, EXTRACTVALUE(n0.props, '//sv:property[@sv:name="sulu:order"]/sv:value[1]') ASC
1.71 ms (4.22%) |
1 |
SELECT 1 FROM phpcr_workspaces WHERE name = ?
1.42 ms (3.50%) |
1 |
SELECT id, path, parent, local_name, namespace, workspace_name, identifier, TYPE, props, depth, sort_order FROM phpcr_nodes WHERE workspace_name = ? AND identifier IN (?)
[ "default_live" "6c568aa3-f673-481a-a214-9a2541b36571" ] |
1.32 ms (3.25%) |
1 |
SELECT prefix, uri FROM phpcr_namespaces
[] |
1.13 ms (2.78%) |
1 |
SELECT path AS arraykey, id, path, parent, local_name, namespace, workspace_name, identifier, TYPE, props, depth, sort_order FROM phpcr_nodes WHERE workspace_name = ? AND (path = ? OR path = ?) ORDER BY sort_order ASC
[ "default_live" "/cmf/cirykpopeye/contents/portfolio" "/cmf/cirykpopeye/contents/blog" ] |
1.11 ms (2.75%) |
1 |
SELECT path, parent FROM phpcr_nodes WHERE parent IN (?, ?) AND workspace_name = ? ORDER BY sort_order ASC
[ "/cmf/cirykpopeye/contents/portfolio" "/cmf/cirykpopeye/contents/blog" "default_live" ] |
1.05 ms (2.58%) |
1 |
SELECT n0.path AS n0_path, n0.identifier AS n0_identifier, n0.props AS n0_props FROM phpcr_nodes n0 WHERE n0.workspace_name = ? AND n0.type IN ('nt:unstructured', 'rep:root') AND n0.parent = '/cmf/cirykpopeye/contents/privacy-policy' LIMIT 1
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Entity\Collection | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\TrashBundle\Domain\Model\TrashItem | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\Entity\Form | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity\ContactTitle | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Entity\Group | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\Entity\FormTranslation | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\Entity\FormField | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\Entity\FormFieldTranslation | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\Entity\FormTranslationReceiver | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Entity\User | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\Entity\Dynamic | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Analytics | No errors. |
Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Domain | No errors. |